The Life in My Years

An anthology of life

“Most writers like to maintain some sort of anonymity.” ~ Sheryl Crow

Sheryl’s dead wrong if you’re a blogger trying to interact with readers. That interaction has been exceedingly difficult on WordPress lately.

“Anonymity is the calling card of the fearful and the courage of the cowardly.”
~ Beem Weeks

I don’t know about that Mr. Weeks, but starting in this month of August, anonymity has been the blogger’s vexation. For me it  began on August 10th when I noticed a comment on one of my photo blogs. The commenter wrote, “Great great GREAT monochromes. You are a master.” It was signed “anonymous” but the wording of the comment told me that the writer was a gentleman who has often commented on my photo blogs.

Shortly thereafter, my posts were being inundated by “anonymous” commenters and like the gentleman mentioned above, the wording of many of these anonymous comments seemed to hint at regular, known commenters.

Over the past weekend, I contacted two bloggers via email and found that they were having the same issue. One of the bloggers had contacted Jetpack, and she was told that she must’ve changed her settings (she hadn’t).

Two days ago (August 22nd), I contacted the WordPress help desk, described the problem and offered the suggestion that they actually look into the problem and not provide a “canned” explanation such as, ‘the commenter might not have been logged in”.

(Note: You should not appear as “anonymous” if you are a WP blogger and you are signed into your WP account. If you are not signed in you will indeed appear as “anonymous.”).

The next day, I received a response and the essence of that response is summed up in one sentence from Ahmad the WP tech, “So, I think this issue could be related. I tried commenting on your site twice, once logged in and once anonymously, and both my comments show up as Anonymous, so this definitely looks like a bug.”

In the meantime, one of the bloggers who I’d been discussing the problem with told me of an instance in which yet another blogger was having difficulty just leaving a comment.

I forwarded that information to WP and noted another problem that I thought might be related.

I’ve had two bloggers comment to me that they were not able to “like” my posts, one of the bloggers telling me that he’d tried everything but the “like” function was not working even though he was logged in.

This morning Carolyn at WP responded,
As my colleague, Ahmad, mentioned, a few other cases have been reported where the comment section was not recognizing their login (which would also affect the ability to “Like” posts since you must be logged in to “Like”). Ahmad did some more investigation and has reported this as a bug to our developers. The bug will be prioritized based on its severity and the number of sites affected so be sure to let Sarah and any other blogging friends know that they should report this if it is happening to them. That will not only increase the priority, but it will give us more examples so we can see what the common thread is between those accounts that are not able to comment.”

What Carolyn is saying is, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease,” so those of us who are having this difficulty should report the details to WordPress via email. (At the bottom of the My Home page there is a question mark that links to a comment/help template).

Who knows when this will get fixed but they ARE working on it.

In the meantime, I apologize to some of the “anonymous” commenters who I didn’t address personally. My suggestion is that, pending a fix, commenters can simply identify themselves in the body of the comment.

30 thoughts on “The “Anonymous” Bug

  1. eden baylee says:

    Hi Paul,
    This is Eden, and since I’m having the same issue on my own blog, I really appreciate your post. I imagine I’ll end up Anonymous again after I post this comment! If not, then maybe you’ve resolved this for us.
    We shall see!


    1. Paul says:

      Hi Eden, You submitted the same comment three times. This one ran the gauntlet successfully. None of them was marked anonymous. Go figure.


  2. This is Peter Grey. I haven’t heard of the anonymous issue before, but I do recognize the problems with the likes and also having to log in over and over again. It’s doable of course, but still a drag.


    1. Paul says:

      Hi Peter, Hopefully the fix for the anonymous problem will fix the like problem as well.


  3. Yes, indeed. Other bloggers have been reporting this. Some found that if they went through the Reader to comment it didn’t happen. I’m glad they’re working on this bug.


    1. Paul says:

      Hi Susanne, Having had luck with the WP help desk in the past, I’m pretty confident that they’ll get it fixed.


  4. Prior... says:

    I have noticed this bug too
    And also – I wonder if this has to do with all of the ads placed on so many blogs


    1. Paul says:

      ” I wonder if this has to do with all of the ads placed on so many blogs”
      Possibly. I did ask WP to advise me of the cause and a timeline to get it fixed. I doubt that I’ll get either and I don’t really care as long as it gets fixed.


  5. M.B. Henry says:

    I haven’t noticed the issue yet, but hopefully they fix it quickly!! – M.B.


    1. Paul says:

      Hi M.B. It seems that they’re going to get to it. If enough people who have the problem complain about it to WP it’ll get moved up the
      line. You’re one of the lucky ones.


  6. I have noticed that I have to hit the “like” button a few times, it doesn’t seem to always stick the first time.


    1. Paul says:

      Hi Lisa, Yes I’ve had the same problem on occasion myself. I’ve had occasions when I’ve had to log out and log back in for it to take.


  7. Toonsarah says:

    I’m commenting via Reader as apparently that helps get around the problem but just in case I end us as ‘anonymous’, this is Sarah again 🙂 I’m sharing this post with others to encourage them to report examples of the bug in the hopes it will help put a rocket under the WP team!


    1. Toonsarah says:

      By the way, when I click on the ? at the foot of my page, as you advised, I get this message ‘The site you’ve selected is a self-hosted WordPress site. If you need help with an Automattic product like Jetpack, VaultPress or Akismet, please fill out the contact form below. If you have a general question about your site, please contact your web host instead, as they’ll be best equipped to assist you.’ It seems WP aren’t interested if you’re self-hosted! So I may have to rely on the fact that you’ve told them I have problems?


  8. Definitely having this problem. Darn. Thanks for pushing it with WP.


  9. ResinRapture says:

    Even if the issue is annoying (having just the same trouble), this post was amusing. Thanks for the laugh. But I thought it was a jetpack social commenting issue, not a WordPress one.


    1. Paul says:

      I was forwarded your thread
      (I believe it’s your thread) by another blogger having similar issues. I’ve sent that off to WP in another email and I’ve also asked for an update on the fix.

      I couldn’t say whether or not it’s Jetpack or WP. Apparently they’re related in some measure. I don’t care which entity fixes it as long as it gets fixed.

      I imagine that the minion who developed this “update” is not sleeping well these days.

      Thank you for reading, commenting and following.


      1. ResinRapture says:

        You are right, that thread was started by me. Thanks right back 🙂


      2. Paul says:

        Good afternoon, I contacted WP again last night along with a link to your thread. The response was: “Thanks for the information! These are both symptoms of the bug we are working on. I’ve passed along the information you shared to the team as well. As soon as we have an update, we’ll reach out with more information! In the meantime, let us know if you have any other questions. We are always happy to help.”
        I have some measure of confidence that this will get sorted out sooner rather than later (although later is something of an infinite quantity).


      3. ResinRapture says:

        That is good news, and I think we have you to thank for it that they came back to look at the support thread and post an answer. By the way, I didn’t get a little blue dot notification of your reply, but then this feature never was really reliable.


  10. eden baylee says:

    Sending this comment from my READER, hope it works.


    For those having issues with this (like me)… I started a thread in a forum on It’s now morphed w/ another thread which has a Plugin Supporter working on it. @Toonsarah, I’ve included your site along with Paul’s and mine. Feel free to hop on the thread and add to it. This is the link >


  11. Thank you for the extremely helpful article. I have had the ‘like’ problem for a long time and notice it is only certain blogs that prevent the action. The anonymous issue has been plaguing me for months. It has not been a recent thing. I have changed my settings to show that I do not require people to be logged in to comment on my post, thinking that would cure it and perhaps if everyone did that then we could all comment freely as ourselves. It may have done, however I cannot be sure. Then two days ago I had experienced more anonymous comments so I contacted WordPress to find out what the problem was. I was told I need to click on the setting that requires bloggers to be logged on in order to comment. This being the opposite to what I had just done. Guess what? I have even more anonymous comments so I have switched it back again. I don’t think anybody knows what’s going on, but I do suspect it’s an issue between WordPress and Apple. I am told repeatedly the people logging in via chrome do not have this issue, but I think it makes no difference whether you use chrome or safari. There is some finger pointing going on and we will have to wait while they work it out I suppose 😕
    PS. I had to log in to comment on your blog but I will not be anonymous!


    1. Paul says:

      Hello Christine, You wrote, “I contacted WordPress to find out what the problem was. I was told I need to click on the setting that requires bloggers to be logged on in order to comment. This being the opposite to what I had just done. Guess what? I have even more anonymous comments so I have switched it back again.”
      Here is my understanding. Depending on your setting:
      If a WP blogger wants to comment and not show up as anonymous, that blogger must be logged in.
      If the blogger is not logged in, the comment will appear as anonymous and the comment may have to be approved.
      I have some followers who are not bloggers and are able to comment but I believe that they have to set up some sort of free account (like you would have to do when commenting on a news site.) I’m really not certain about this last.

      ” I don’t think anybody knows what’s going on,” Per my email correspondence with WP, they are aware that there is a bug in the system (seems like Jetpack but I’m not sure and I’m not sure what the relationship between WP and Jetpack is). Also per my correspondence, WP has confirmed that the ability/inability for bloggers to “like” a post and the anonymous issues are related to the same bug in their system.

      Yesterday I communicated with WP and forwarded them a link to a forum thread regarding the same problem. The response that I got was, “Thanks for the information! These are both symptoms of the bug we are working on. I’ve passed along the information you shared to the team as well. As soon as we have an update, we’ll reach out with more information! In the meantime, let us know if you have any other questions. We are always happy to help.”

      It seems that the ability to communicate with WP depends on the plan one has. I spend a fair amount of money for my account, which might confirm the old adage, “Money talks.”

      Thank you for reading and commenting.


  12. I logged in to comment on this but it did not show up. Awaiting moderation perhaps? Or lost in anonymity?


    1. Paul says:

      Hello Christine. You are correct. My setting requires moderation until I approve the first comment and then subsequent comments should show up normally (whatever that is these days).


  13. eden baylee says:

    Hey Paul,
    Looks like enough people got on board to complain and the bug is fixed. I’m hoping anyway. That’s what one of the moderators on the forum said. If you get this comment, that’s a step in the right direction!


  14. stacey says:

    I am SO glad to hear it’s not just me and any unsurprising “mishaps” I may have created myself in WP! I’ve totally been having troubing “liking” and in some instances commenting, and it’s ALWAYS asking me to log in when I already am. I can’t like here, for example, on your site. Thanks so much for doing the research and sharing!


    1. Paul says:

      Hi Stacey. You tried to like and couldn’t? Ugh. I thought it was fixed.


  15. Just when I think I know what I’m doing, WordPress changes things. I was unable to ‘like’ this for you. Oh dear, cheers, Muriel


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