The Life in My Years

An anthology of life

This week’s Lens Artists Challenge hosted by Biasini is Communication. My first inclination was to pass. How do you photograph communication? Turns out there are countless ways.

The faces of children speak to us in their innocent and genuine way.
Below my grandchildren Sophia and her cousin Jackson communicate the joy of a pool day. 

In a quiet moment, Sophia reads to her younger cousin.     

Below, grandson Zachary is overwhelmed by all the noise and attention of his first birthday party.

Below, what is Zach communicating here?  Caught with the evidence?

Through our images we communicate those things which amaze us such as nature’s beauty as in the featured photo of Gibbon Falls in Yellowstone National Park.

Below, a bull elk drinks from the shimmering waters of the Gardiner River in Yellowstone National Park. 

Below, the Lewis River, Yellowstone National Park. 

Our images communicate stories.
Washington Square Park in San Francisco is smack in the middle of North Beach, Little Italy. On most mornings you can find a group of Chinese ladies performing Tai Chi in the shadow of St. Peter and Paul’s Church with it’s Italian inscriptions. I took the image below to capture the diversity of The City.   

While walking through Lafayette Cemetery in New Orleans I came upon the grave of Mabel Shaw, born in 1872 and died in 1918.  The inscription on her grave communicates the story of a good woman who died too young.   

Through the camera and the magic of photo editing we can communicate our own artistic interpretations.

Below a shutter speed of 1/4 of a second stops the Stanislaus River.   
In the image below a shutter speed of 1/8th of a second turns a crashing wave at Moonstone Beach on the California Coast into a fireworks display.     

While playing with a photo of the Silver Terraces Cemetery in historic Virginia City, Nevada I took a nondescript color photo that was taken during the day and transformed it into a a ghostly moonlit graveyard scene.          

And finally, in honor of Biasini, who’s really a horse, there’s the communication between man and animals.
Below, I took this image of a wild horse in Nevada who through his eye, seemed to be communicating a wary tolerance.

While in Virginia City I watched an extraordinary communication between my wife and a wild horse.  We happened to pass a small band of horses and I asked Cora if she wanted to get out of the car and take a picture with her cell phone.  We stood at some distance when one of the horses approached Cora.  I expected the horse to stop short or for Cora who isn’t very comfortable with horses to bolt for the car but she stood her ground as the horse came right up to her.

To view the posts of Biasini and other lens artists follow the link to Biasini’s Horse Addict page.

31 thoughts on “Lens Artists Challenge #118: Communication

  1. anne leueen says:

    Hello Paul Human! Biasini here. What a wonderful collection of photos you have presented in response to my challenge. My favorites are the wild horses. Your wife did well to not flee from the one who came up to her. The horse may have been a wild one but knew Cora could be trusted and could be shown there was no need to fear a horse.


    1. Paulie says:

      Thank you so much. Before COVID we would take regular trips to Reno, Nevada to relax. Just east of Reno are many bands of wild horses and I make it a point to visit that area and photograph those magnificent animals


      1. anne leueen says:

        Oh my that would be wonderful. I hope when the Vye Rus goes away you can go there again.🐴


      2. Paulie says:

        We’re looking forward to it. The history of those horses is very interesting. Many of the bands are descended from the horses that were brought to the New World by the Spaniards in the 16th and 17th centuries.


  2. Tina Schell says:

    Hey there Paulie – nice to see you back on the challenge. Loved your post, especially the children. The photos of Zach with a tear in his eye followed by his mischievous look are really great. Also loved your horse shots. Terrific post.


    1. Paulie says:

      Thank you Tina. At first blush the topic seemed to be too daunting but after a little thought it was daunting to limit the images.


  3. JohnRH says:

    Excellent. Love the kids, love the silky waterfall. Well done.


    1. Paulie says:

      Thank you John. I suppose old W.C. Fields would have disagreed that kids and dogs make wonderful subjects.


      1. JohnRH says:

        HA!! I can’t remember any of his zingers, but Mae West said, unrelated, “I used to be Snow White, but I drifted”. 🙂


      2. Paulie says:

        W.C Fields and Mae West. I think we’ve just dated ourselves.


  4. Great pictures Paulie! The children, the tear in Zachary’s eye. Communication by a drop of salty liquid.


    1. Paulie says:

      Thank you Peter. I’m glad that you enjoyed the post.


  5. Kyung Lee says:

    Great shots, Paul!


    1. Paulie says:

      Thank you my friend.


  6. Ana says:

    I’m glad you didn’t pass. Good communication examples 😊


    1. Paulie says:

      Thank you Ana. Every single image that we take whether it’s with a cell phone, a point and shoot or a $2000 dollar camera is made with the intention of communicating something. I managed to get that notion through my thick skull after mulling over the topic.


  7. mavimet says:

    What a wonderful collection of communication photos. You nailed it!


    1. Paulie says:

      Thank you so much and thank you for visiting.


  8. Amy says:

    Love your grandkids, they are adorable! Zachary with a tear… beautifully captured.
    A great series for communication, Paulie.


    1. Paulie says:

      Thank you so much Amy


  9. Leya says:

    These are all excellent, Paulie. So glad you did not drop out on this one. Lovely children and their straight forward communication, and truly loved your wife and the wild horse!


    1. Paulie says:

      Thank you. Glad I didn’t drop out also!🙂


  10. Scott Blake says:

    The Silver Terraces Cemetery looks great in black and white.


    1. Paulie says:

      Thank you Scott


  11. pattimoed says:

    I agree with Tina. This IS a terrific post, Paulie. I love the images of your grandchildren–especially Zack in his tearful and mischievous moods. You’re also right about photography being a way to communicate. Well-done!


    1. Paulie says:

      Thank you so much Patti


  12. eden baylee says:

    Happy Saturday Paul,

    Great pictures, especially of your grandchildren, Stanislaus River, and Cora with the horse.

    A picture may be worth a thousand words, but your personal words add to the complexity of each one, and to my appreciation of them.



    1. Paulie says:

      Thanks for the kind words Eden.

      I’ll never forget Cora’s horse moment. She loves horses but usually only from a distance. That was a rare moment. It seems that both Cora and the horse sensed something in each other that overcame their fears.

      Virginia City. I love Virginia City for all the history and the funky shops. I bought a turquoise wedding band in Virginia City after my original was lost. The turquoise one is gone too.

      Here’s the deal with Virginia City though. As much as I like the place it is Trump central. We visited in the autumn of 2019 and the whole town was lousy with Trump signs.


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