The Life in My Years

An anthology of life

In honor of Labor Day, guest host Rusha Sams challenges us to describe examples of labors of love in pictures.

Labors of love are often those physically demanding, difficult, repetitive jobs done by people who we often depend on for the returns their labor produces. Fishermen have a bond with their boats and with the sea, working from before the sun rises and long into the day. Farmers and ranchers connect with the soil, sun and seasons.

Labors of love are the hours spent learning to paint, sculpt, create music, to write and to craft.

Fruits of labors of love satisfy our needs, inspire us, sadden us, satiate us, bring us joy and moments of reflection.

Labors of love yield rewards that tickle our senses.
Foods from the ground and the sea nourish us and excite our sense of taste.

Colorful peppers at the San Francisco Farmers Market

Fresh catch at Half Moon Bay Fish Market

Manning the grill at the Fort Bragg Salmon Fest

Labors of love add a sweet bouquet.

My wife Cora’s labor of love from her rose garden

Labors of love please the ears.

Animated street musician Quebec City

Doreen Ketchens aka Queen Clarinet in the French Quarter, New Orleans.

Labors of Love dazzle the eyes  (Featured photo at top – Detail from mural Rebirth of Coyolxauhqui, Mission District San Francisco)

Rebirth of Coyolxauhqui detail, Mission District San Francisco


Muralist Elaine Chu works on her mural Rebirth of Coyolxauhqui

Artist at Pemaquid Point Maine

Labors of Love can inspire our spirituality

Stained Glass Mission Dolores, San Francisco

Notre-Dame-des-Victoires-Church, Quebec City

Église Saint-Laurent l’Ile-d’Orleans, Quebec, Canada Built 1714

To view Rusha’s contribution and those of other lens-artists click on this link .  All the contributions are labors of love.

11 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge 113 – Labors of Love

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and photos. Every one of your captures pointed in a different direction for the interpretation of the theme. I love the two musicians possibly best of all, but since you are the first to mention spirituality and the love many have for religion, you get a gold star for that distinction. What an eclectic mix — every photo “nailing” the challenge — and what a joy to read what you have to say. Thank you very much for contributing! Happy Labor Day!


    1. Paulie says:

      Wow, thank you very much for the kind words. The musicians, both of them, were so talented. The one in Quebec we only managed to watch for a few minutes because we had so much else on the schedule. In NOLA we watched Doreen and her band for an entire set. I just wish that I had taken videos to include. Thank you again.


      1. Thank YOU for your post. ( And I so wish I could get to New Orleans for that music!)


  2. Perpetua says:

    I am surprised to see the image of St. Therese. I suppose being a saint is a labour of love for Jesus.


    1. Paulie says:

      It is I suppose. My thought is that the sculptor’s labor of love was for the church community.


  3. JohnRH says:

    Great photos. I love hummers, and musicians!


    1. Paulie says:

      Thank you John. Sorry for the late reply. In all it’s wisdom, WP sent your comment to spam from which I just revived it.


      1. JohnRH says:

        Ha! No prob. A certain social justice there!


  4. Tina Schell says:

    Nicely done Paulie – your examples are spot on and your images speak to us as clearly as your well-crafted text. Some excellent reminders of how greatly we all benefit from others’ labors of love.


  5. pattimoed says:

    Food, music, art…you’ve captured a wide range of the labors of love, Paulie. The image of the clarinet player in New Orleans is fabulous! What emotion! You’ve captured her beautifully.


  6. Leya says:

    Beautiful, Paulie – love especially the musicians – but overall a colourful and lovely entry!


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